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Harambee Sculpture Garden

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This project was led by Cory Malchow Harambee resident and local artist. The goal of this project is to start a Sculpture Park in Harambee that would be added to every year. The Love Your Block Mini-Grant will get it established this year and then it will grow in subsequent years through other art and beautification programs. The goal of the sculpture garden is to have a rotation of sculpture art from local Milwaukee artists. 


Project Location: 2868 N. Richards

Project Leaders:

  • Cory Malchow, Artist, Harambee resident 

Project Break Down:

  • July 18th 2020: Peace post installation, digging and setting base for sculpture platform,  

  • July 25th 2020: Peace posts painting and decoration, finishing sculpture platform 

A special thanks to Sherwin-Williams Paint for donating paint! 

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